

2018年01月30日 11:42   來源:CGTN   

  “My seven years of rural life in northern Shaanxi Province gave me something mysterious and sacred,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping during a 1995 interview. He started working in the countryside at the age of 15, an experience which shaped his personality and helped him become the man he is today.


  My seven-year rural life in northern Shaanxi Province gave me something mysterious and sacred.


  Whenever I faced a challenge or a test or started a new job, I could somehow hear my fellow Shaanxi folks singing local songs on the farm.


  I think in my life, there are two kinds of people who have helped me the most.


  The first were pioneers of revolutionary times, the others were my fellow Shaanxi villagers.


  I came to know that fundamental power rests with people. I gained a better understanding of ordinary people and society. This was the most fundamental influence.


  My idea of seeking truth from facts was formed then, and it has influenced me until now.



视频| 淳化县| 巴青县| 宁化县| 清水河县| 奇台县| 兴宁市| 赣榆县| 西充县| 乌拉特后旗| 库尔勒市| 芦溪县| 岳西县| 抚州市| 固镇县| 满城县| 清河县| 胶南市| 岱山县| 报价| 广水市| 澄城县| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 晋宁县| 金秀| 贞丰县| 乐至县| 阿城市| 瑞金市| 丽水市| 克东县| 萨迦县| 商洛市| 根河市| 开平市| 瑞丽市| 英德市| 庄河市| SHOW| 灌阳县| 井陉县|